Minutes of the meeting of 12 October in Paris
We propose now the report of the meeting Sunday, October 12, which was held in the building where the seat of the French Association des Petits Debrouillards from 10.00 to 17.30 or so.
- At the meeting were: Francis and Elena for the panel Italian, Bruno and Ana for the panel Portuguese Amerie and Olivia for the panel French, German Nina for the panel, and Peter Morgan for the panel Belgian Jim, the adult representative panel of English boys, Frederique, one of the organizers of the project (French), Lionel, the coordinator of the project (French).
- Lionel introduced the program of the day:
- Presentation of Our panel;
--what we did as a panel;
--what we did not do as a panel;
--what things are going to happen in Our panel and what plans we haves;
--who we met;
--Understand global issues of the panels.
- The first question we refer is that of the English Panel: Jim began his presentation describing the work of his organization. He works with young boys around the age of 15-16 years 'Socially Excluded', ie living in difficult circumstances and in the margins of society because of poverty, family problems, bullying, problematic backgrounds. They then find themselves involved in the crime scene, leaving the school curriculum and are in no way protected by the state. It 'obvious that these guys do not have the opportunity to interact with and engage the society in which they live. They fall in drug use, often find themselves in prison or, in some cases, even lose track of them. Some of them want to build a future, have a family, "they are inspired," as said Jim. Many of them never even got on a train, there are many moves and organizational problems in the management of all movements with these young people who are not "young" but are "children". For these reasons, Jim has come to represent them in this preliminary meeting and during the Science Week (20-28 October) will be present only for a few days. The really important thing to understand, and we have the duty to report is that they participate symbolically as a symbol of that part, very wide, of young men in Europe who do not have the same opportunities as boys, for example, we will be protected, listened and made a participant in the processes of society. Their mission is "to remind" all of us that we must not forget this relatively high proportion of young people in our project to build a European knowledge society by young people. These young people need protection first and foremost for their basic needs, that refers to a discrete economic needs and, secondly, they should have the opportunity as others to enter into the gears of this new company evolved to looming ' horizon. Thus, the request was to move all the panels is to generate at least one suggestion that takes into account the condition of these guys, starting with the example of the English panel.
- It 's perfectly normal we have not yet developed the 20 recommendations. In fact, the production of recommendations begins now, after the comparison between the various panels and briefings on the guidelines to follow which will expose later. With regard to the recommendations it is necessary to arrive in Paris with very clear ideas and almost all the recommendations have already been written. It will be possible in the first part of the week to process or refine the final recommendations along with the other panel and then on Sunday there will be a huge three-hour meeting with all the panels will be established where the 20 final and final recommendations to be submitted the commissioners.
- Although we found a great homogeneity on content and the topics covered, there were two ways to proceed in the way done so far: the first, ours, that they have produced several books / essays in which various concepts were larvatamente contents (values), the second way is, as did the Portuguese panel, directly in making the recommendations (which will report later) explaining the various concepts. Both ways of working need the final implementation.
- Here is now the main premise: This project is viewed by commissioners and politicians as a great window-dressing, bound to a certain type of marketing, which takes into account, but on the contrary, devalues \u200b\u200bthe content created. Here because, as said Nadia, the more we give concrete shape to our thoughts (essays, tests, summaries, etc. ...), we make our concepts more clear, more will bring them to their essence / real root, the less chance there will be to diminish the work done by the panels. Lionel, tired of seeing cataloged the thought of young people as poor, simple, "stupid", he asks at all costs to be as effective.
- Here are some practical guidelines that have been provided:
- the first key thing to remember is that the project is titled "The young people in building a European knowledge society", therefore we are called to reflect and to develop recommendations in which the word young is strictly limited. In fact - has specified Lionel - no need for the project, for example, know the mode of scientific methodology unless it is somehow attributable to issues that we as young people perceive. We therefore feel particularly called into question because, although it was interesting and educational - as even stated Lionel - more detailed work of general concepts such as ours, it did not take enough into account the fact that every idea must be connected to word young. Therefore, to understand, in our opinion (Francis and Helen), discuss the difference between research basic and applied research, although it is fundamental to our training staff does not fall directly in the demands of the project, unless someone shows them the link.
- The second-line guide for the formulation of recommendations: The recommendations should be as concise and direct, should not contain vague or concepts which you have no real control would be useless because it is better to accompany a simple but concrete example to to demonstrate the relevance and veracity of the idea contained in the recommendation, in general, any recommendation must have an impact applications, that is, the recommendation is issued a specific request by we young people and the recommendation must be generally accepted, although you can submit ideas shared only by young people (preferably specifying it) or ideas which, although not known, an effective application, are considered highly useful and meaningful.
- Finally, since each concept, as it could be, for example, "information" is used in the recommendations with a precise meaning to maturity, you can create a sort of "introduction" which sets out quite clearly with what implications this period is reported. This premise (or frame) should come at the recommendation (we did not understand where it should be placed in the first part of the recommendation or as an introduction to the general recommendations).
- Given the heterogeneous nature of the nations in the EU and participating in this project can be found two types of recommendations:
- the first, like that of our panel, which aims to develop an entire community with a deep conceptual work in the improvement and development;
- the second-, typical of the countries that joined the EU and more recently for various reasons very different in terms of internal development, requires aloud the possibility of reaching the same conditions of development of countries on the "crest of a wave" (Furniss), like ours.
- Finally, we were made aware that on November 14 2008, before the commissioners, to Nobel prize winners, the French minister for communication and other honorable members qualified in the field, will be the official submission and consideration of the work done in all these months, culminating in the production of recommendations. In essence, this date will be taken into consideration the recommendations made by the 27 panels. On this occasion, though it is still premature, the news has been requested the participation of one or two representatives from each panel who come to attend the event.
- As mentioned by Nadia, the project organizers have hinted at a possible continuation of the project. The news, however, is still very nebulous.
must now assign a task to everyone:
since there was a report highly requested and summary style recommendations, concepts that we, as a panel Italian, touched in recent months so that they can then share with other panels and take a real team effort, you must:
- that everyone goes to fish out the articles, texts, essays, summaries made by himself and extrapolate that clearly and concisely the main concepts and deliver them in simple sentences (one or two lines) in English.
- to complete this work by Tuesday evening and send it to Nadia who will turn then to Lionel.
We understand that a job is demanding and tiring for everything. However, the remaining time is less and less, and you must make a sacrifice to get prepared, which we are now. In addition, we must already start thinking about how to express ourselves in English, to search for the words they consider most appropriate in English because there are other ways of communication if not in English. It was not easy to express our ideas in English, but we did it. We have spoken English for three days. The suggestion is in fact already beginning to think of our concepts in English now that we are still in Italy and we can verify it, why not then there will be others (Frank Furno and Elena Rinaldi)
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