Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Male Waxing In Georgia

After the second phase of the project, are preparing to carry out deliveries

Since we are in the pipeline and efforts should be intensified in view of the French week, I feel the need to take stock of the work, certain information and clarify some aspects of the next phases of work. A few months ago
know the objectives of the project. We must produce twenty suggestions of European importance to be delivered to European Commissioner for Scientific Research on October 27.
Each national panel, to define its work program, has received from some national coordinator directions to be followed (objective, scientific committee, the number of participants, heterogeneous grouping, some methodological suggestions ...) and white paper in relation to other organizational aspects.

In planning the route, given the difficulty involved in the delivery receipt, we have prioritized the training aspect. We looked for meetings with those involved in science and knowledge from different points of view: psychiatrists, historians, philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, sociologists, meteorologists, engineers, therapists, teachers and researchers. It 'was a challenging course developed in two particularly critical of the school year and tiring. The objective was to offer an overview of the most broad and diverse as possible, although not exhaustive, the subjects 'knowledge' and 'society'.

On the way we proceeded working on two parallel planes. On the one hand we have taken care to build the memory of this experience through the minutes, shooting photos and video, website, database and blog. On the other we began to gather the thoughts, at first sporadic, piecemeal and individual. Later more elaborate and more focused, the result of earlier discussions. And so we came to taking the first negotiation that took place last Friday when you have identified the key words that led to Francis and Helen Paris. What you have drawn it was not easy, nor is it simplistic. Every word conceals much thought, deep analysis, a great time for the exchange and debate.
Francis and Elena have been able to tell her to Paris, have revived those moments to the listener. Your work has been recognized, valued, appreciated. Intelligent, open, able to argue, when they express their words are strong. These messages have arrived at this time to my email address.

Now we can say also completed the second phase of our work. And we must face the ultimate commitment. The largest, but also the most engaging. If you really want your suggestions, Your views, your analysis is considered, evaluated, discussed, we must try to make suggestions in writing and in English of great intelligence and quality. We need to write those beautiful ideas, that tell you know so well. We need to communicate in a simple, but argued. We have to clean them and fill them with the obvious one that is truly your feeling.
In this phase that begins now and will continue throughout our trip to France we will be present to ourselves and to his companions, responsive and proactive. Prof Cerroni, who along with Dr. Hamon reads us a copy, will be on our side. In those hours he received your last drawn oversee our work and giving us his point of view. Lionel Larqué, the European coordinator, is at this time to establish guidelines, which we will refer in the next few days.
The objective is: to produce in a form and content quality, consistency and unity. You young people, and we adults. Only this will allow us to communicate in an authoritative manner with our partners.

The first delivery is to be completed so the revision of your latest proposals, the measures discussed Friday. We have to turn them into suggestions, focused and motivated. Identifying a problem and propose a solution or an intervention. We have to make them less generic. I gather them, will group them by theme and send them to France where panels will be disseminated to all participants. To begin the first real large share of the work.
Then on Monday during the journey begins with skimming, in view of the first comparison that will be on Monday late afternoon in Lyon.



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