Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting Rid Of New Shower Curtain Smell

Last minute suggestions More suggestions

Dear wives =),
I list below what I consider to be the now famous tips, hoping not to fall into the banal and obvious. I read many of my ideas to be shared by others: forgive, therefore, the lack of originality. Let's start:
or update the school curriculum.
I believe, as I expressed last meeting, the topics covered at school are too focused on the past: it does not allow a proper understanding of the society in which we live, with the consequent birth of ignorance, myths and unselfish. Enhancing the study of the age is closer to us, it would also can discuss current issues, especially in the fifth class, consisting of those persons who, inexperienced, go to vote and choose what to do about their future and the society around them, perhaps "facilitating" their work by reading newspapers class. Increase
or organizations, institutions and projects that operate in the European sense.
Government initiatives such as Intercultura or our project are the basis for creating a "European consciousness" which, unfortunately, to this day is missing, at least as found in my country. Although we were players in the money exchange, for example, no one has felt it a change in the course of history: belonging to the 'body' Europe 'does not seem to have developed.
or insertion of new materials in high schools.
In order to understand what really are the European Union, the EEC and all the institutions which operate at European level, you must place in school, mainly of middle schools, the study of law. It, as well as the legislative side, must also take responsibility to educate children about the history of European organizations, their training, their orientation, their positives and negatives. This also would greatly enhance the formation of a "European consciousness".
or Exaltation of diversity and particularity.
feel within himself a sense of belonging and community with other members of Europe, should not lead to a standardization of culture, thought, identity, spirit and so on. Quite the opposite! We must embrace diversity and make it our strength. We grow together with the desire and curiosity to investigate a variety of lifestyles, to experience cultural and religious practices unknown to us, let us open ourselves the stranger. Achieving this is simple: why do not we try to live out the foreign countries we visit, we study more about their cultures, their history, their philosophy, their literature, wondering when, around the corner, we make a monument unexpected surprise. Not only can you study Italian literature and have an idea very very much (and to stress very much!) Vague than the English! When we study the philosophy of the Enlightenment, for example, we can not fully understand if not tasted the bitterness of the Kantian language, if you do not feel a sense of words which, while understandable, they cut off the mind with their edges. E 'need for greater international and interdisciplinary.
Studio or enhanced foreign language
also linked to above, highlights the need to study foreign languages. The English is not enough Moreover, it is enough now to this day. The borders are so open that I consider essential to introduce a requirement since kindergarten study of two European languages \u200b\u200b(except English) and an Eastern language. It is an oriental language. We can feel part of that vast mechanism that is unknown to us, we call "Europe" is also calling for contrast but to do this, you need to know what's after our borders, getting closer to those huge territories to us almost completely unknown. I'm talking, of course, China, Japan, India etc etc. For me it would be very interesting to know the history of these countries even today to understand how we can ask questions about the continent in which we live. And if the barbarian invasions rather forget and turn to the European territories in Asia had continued to threaten us, our project would exist today? We would still be colonizers or become colonized? It would still prevail on the Orient or the West we might be looking to us for a kimono as it is now looking for shoes by Dolce and Gabbana? There is an increasing need, therefore, to add new programs and new materials on these topics.
or Creating a European magazine for young people. What
reflected in the youth of my generation, is also the desire to hear their point of view, their criticisms against the status quo, new ideas, in short, of being called into question in a society that, in contrast, tend to marginalize them as "racially" inferior not yet evolved. Why not create a newspaper (daily, monthly, annual ..) where the boys, in relation to the quality of their work, they can publish their projects and participate actively in the creation of their future?
or arouse curiosity without the numbness.
E 'has been known that more and more active you are proactive and dynamic. Young people are part of society more prone to these features by their nature are not afraid to be daring, are not yet a prey to the theories of "adult" that can not see a change but still have the grit to fight for their ideals. Why not fuel this fire inside? Stimulate their minds and their faculty with projects like ours, lanciamoli to Europe, we ardergli in the chest this desire for knowledge. Favoriamoli if they want to study in other countries, riconosciamogli their educational qualifications outside their countries, we organize conferences on topics close to them (political, human rights, environment, religion, science ...). In addition, we avoid that are found in universities to teach young people with octogenarians who have more to do, let us not send (I refer mainly to Italy) representatives around the world who are so far away from the future, from social unrest, the progress that produce nothing but the analogue of what the left did in post-unity government, namely: the "transformation".
or conclusions.
The widespread knowledge can not be perceived as a mere erudition, but rather as dynamic, in perpetual motion and fibrillation: a magma eruption continues. Nor can it regardless of the emotions involved, transport, determination, curiosity is, to me, the words that best characterize it. In conclusion, we must also strive to give effect to a unitary idea of \u200b\u200bculture and not fragmented. Everything ago part of a book that is updated daily as a diary, in which each of us writes his own personal page, which is closely linked to their intimacy, but, paradoxically, essential to all other men of the past, present, future (Chiara Marani).


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