Once upon a time Creature from the country road , a small masterpiece by Robert Fuest on two British girls on holiday cycling in France dealing with a homicidal maniac. Now there And Soon the Darkness (which is the same title, in the original film Fuest) by Marcos Efron on two American girls on holiday in Argentina struggling with chassis serial murders. There are forty years between the original film and its remake, in this case, and the differences are many. Who wants to know what you think, can go here to read the new installment of Horror Frames, address book, I write for MyMovies.
Instead of Pamela Franklin - very good actress that I have already spoken here - Amber Heard is one of the best promises of today, already noted in shewn All the Boys Love Mandy Lane and The Stepfather - The Stepfather .
Above image from the film with Odette Yustman and Amber Heard in evidence.
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