In 2876 the number of Mickey , currently on newsstands, is one of my new story, Umperio infallible and the aide, who sees the shabby detective struggling with a robocane, the Dachshunds, Ottoperotto Pythagorean and Archimedes. I've always found the character of Umperio potentially fun because you can play with the stereotypes of detective noir and leaving ample room humor. That's why I used more than once, and together with Paperoga (his shoulder had become usual), either alone (preferably), perhaps in relation to other characters usually just used in a field investigation (as Grandma Duck, for example).
Stumble this story because it is drawn by an old friend, Alessandro Gottardo: our first collaboration in Disney history is also one of my favorites ever, and Donald unpredictable concatenations. Then they are followed by many others and we hope that continues. In addition, there is a character in this story (very) secondary to me is very nice.
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