Flan (10): 4 butterflies for a murderess
Another little journey through the cinema advertising at that time - we are in 1974 - heavily raged in the newspapers. The film in question is one of the lesser-known products from Hammer in a period when the British home desperately tried, without much unsuccessfully to find alternative ways that the call on track financially after his current prince - the Gothic horror - it was worn.
In this case, as in many other cases, the outcome of trade was negative: the film has its interesting features and has over time developed a curiosity because it has long been out of the home video distribution (now there's a good DVD in the UK market). Here, as evidenced by the title and advertising attractions of flan, distributor and retailers have tried to emphasize certain aspects to conform to the yellow Italianate then dominated. The use of butterflies is part of this logic - the original title is Straight On Till Morning - with references to the animal world. More fun are the keywords. Oscar-winning actress Rita Tushingham: I must say to Academy members. Good actress, Tushingham had already spent a long time his best and certainly not this is among his best films. Peter Collinson is a director of the class of Hitchcock and Silver: When you say hyperbole. Sometimes interesting director who died prematurely in 1980 just 44 years, Collinson directed some films of interest ( The bad apples in particular), but between him and half an ocean Hitchcock's film. "A yellow-horror to Edgar Poe, Agatha Christie to" desperate slogans, absolutely meaningless.
But there was air conditioning, a luxury not at all obvious at the time.
This episode Heading Horror Frames I write to MyMovies because I speak of is quite dizzying Vertige , a French horror, at least in its first part, is decidedly vertical. The director is newcomer Abel Ferry and sottofilone is the clash between nature lovers and the products of that nature, maybe it is, in horror are always a little diverted.
The film is interesting as a whole and remains in the realistic side of sottofilone, carried out without the Wrong Turn. Definitely not recommended for people who suffer from vertigo, though. Who wants to read what I think has to do is go here , where it is also by way of introduction the genesis and development of horror "natural."
Above a couple of images from the film that make only part of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe recklessness of certain shots.
Man match
match Man is a curious and original film, made with a minimal budget, but without that it has undermined the ambitions and artistic success. He managed the rookie Marco Chiarini from a picture book made earlier. The story is simple - a short story by training - but with big implications.
Simon (Mark Leonzi), an eleven year old boy plunged in sunny summer Abruzzo countryside, trying to keep alive the memory of her mother died of cancer a few years before devoting himself to research thoroughly, and the expectation of the legendary Man match, the one who lit the stars and could - if seen - satisfy any desire . The rustic father (Francis Pannofino) tries to bring it back to reality with the brusque nature of his character, but leave that reveal the concern and deep affection for his only son. The sudden appearance of Lorenza (Greta Chestnut), a contemporary coming from the city, is a shock to Simon, the possibility of sharing that goes beyond that of his imaginary friends, the discovery a new dimension of human relationships.
The film is the difficulty of overcoming a big pain, but also to overcome all the things that we tried to conceal this pain on themselves to stay forever in the magical world of childhood and fantasy. In essence, the need to grow up and realize that life is not what you can expect it to be, but it is what it is and it is worth to live it.
The freshness and originality of inventions created fantastic characters in the fantasy world of the protagonist ensure liveliness and charm to the film that combines great skill with images drawn from real ones (often in a stop motion crude but very impressive), so as to match a reality, however, transformed with one drawn. Everything in this film reveals the great care and sincere sympathy with which the project has been implemented: the humor and the undercurrent of sadness for the lost things come together nicely thanks to the lightness of the pack, the cool tone of the narrative. Praise from even the clear picture and attentive to the "magic" by Pierluigi Piredda and the music of Henry Melozzo sensitive and appropriate.
In a uniformly good cast, it is worth noting the test Pannofino Francesco, which gives depth and humanity to the role of the father in less skilled hands might have resulted in such a manner. Reading the His impressive resume (as well as actor in several movies dubbing is also of considerable skill and has also provided the voice for George Clooney), I realized that the voice of the antagonist is his usual Cow and Chicken, one of my favorite cartoons .
After receiving several awards and has participated in various festivals, Man match has recently been published on DVD. Those who want to learn more, visit the official website at this address .
Jekyll + Hyde
New episode of my column on the website of Horror Frames MyMovies : this time is devoted to an overview on one of the most classic and popular horror myths, that of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of his companion.
The occasion was good to recall the main (and even some of those that are less so) versions of Stevenson's short novel by drawing a quick map of the change in attitude there has been over the decades. Finally an examination a little 'more in-depth one of the last version, Jekyll + Hyde Nick Stillwell, also recently arrived on DVD from us.
As always, those who want to read Horror Frames should only go here .
Above picture from the movie instead.
Umperio and infallible
In 2876 the number of Mickey , currently on newsstands, is one of my new story, Umperio infallible and the aide, who sees the shabby detective struggling with a robocane, the Dachshunds, Ottoperotto Pythagorean and Archimedes. I've always found the character of Umperio potentially fun because you can play with the stereotypes of detective noir and leaving ample room humor. That's why I used more than once, and together with Paperoga (his shoulder had become usual), either alone (preferably), perhaps in relation to other characters usually just used in a field investigation (as Grandma Duck, for example).
Stumble this story because it is drawn by an old friend, Alessandro Gottardo: our first collaboration in Disney history is also one of my favorites ever, and Donald unpredictable concatenations. Then they are followed by many others and we hope that continues. In addition, there is a character in this story (very) secondary to me is very nice.
aide 30 years of Rosco and he's Sonny
This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the first adventure of Rosco and Sonny, the pair of cops dynamic created by Claudio Nizzi and Giancarlo Alessandrini. I will gladly write the stories of the end of 1990 and the general Rodolfo Torti draws them almost immediately, long before me, then. In the issue of
Newspaper currently on newsstands (no. 2) and presents their new adventure, Space tourism , with contours almost science fiction, but especially the set of action, humor and investigation that always distinguishes them. Who wants, can celebrate the anniversary leggendosela.
Bruno Concannon went the sad news that caught me by surprise. I did not see Bruno for many years, but I remember well, rightly proud of what he had done and what still projected onto wanted to do. We were
together - I think in 1998 - the jury for a competition aimed at beginners and cartoonists organized by Lendicomics in Rovigo. It was an opportunity to know him a little 'better and to appreciate the passion with which he spoke of his work and attention that he was beginning to that of those with a taste for teaching. He wrote and published a lot, had a long and successful career in various fields, has left its mark: it is not a small thing, as the author is the realization of a lifetime.
his works remain. It is not a consolation, but an invitation to read or reread. I think that would be nice.