met in March 2000 in Lisbon, the Heads of State and Government of the European Union launched the objective of making Europe "the most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010. Since then, the various measures put in place to achieve this goal have taken the name of the "Lisbon Strategy".
In this context, was born on the European project "Young European Within The Building of a European Knowledge-based Society." Commissioned in February 2008 by the French Presidency of Europe, the project has been designed with aims to consult young people on how to build a knowledge-based society.
In Europe, the project will involve three hundred boys and girls of twenty-four countries. Young people between fifteen and twenty-three years old, male and female, belonging to all social classes, students, workers and unemployed, they will put in play over the next six months their intelligence and their innovative look. It will lay the foundation of the largest ever project of participatory democracy with youth.

In Italy the project, coordinated by Controvento, will be built in the Province of Forlì-Cesena involving students from the Liceo Scientifico Augusto Righi "in Cesena, on the occasion of public meetings and visits to research laboratories, the other secondary school students of grade II land.
The project will involve researchers in Italy, universities, research centers, companies and scientific associations, which will support the project in terms of training, logistical and economic.
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