We are students of high school or college, young workers, unemployed youth, youth with limited opportunities. We hope to be as representative as possible of the European youth despite being an unattainable goal. During the final plenary session, we decided to add this introduction to our suggestions. We wrote this text in order to facilitate the understanding of our collective work.

You may be surprised by the content of our statements as are based on the accessibility of knowledge on educational issues, the strengthening of human rights, social inclusion strategies as the basis of comparison for any kind of policy that aims at building a European knowledge society. Why this choice?
Our definition of the knowledge society is different from those written by the big international institutions like the World Bank or the European Commission, or at least the definitions we've heard about, such as that established by the EU member states during meetings in Lisbon (2000) and Barcelona (2001). For us when it comes to the knowledge society can be understood not only science, research and innovation, but must also include a cultural, social and democratic.
We worked for six months and we have seen this extraordinary and well-established trend in the entire European Union. Even the majority of experts, scientists and politicians that we met do not understand fully what it could mean a society based on knowledge. However, this concept about our future professions, the Union's economic strategy European Union in a global economy, concerns for research and innovation policies, policies for education and life-long learning. In other words, to speak of the knowledge society is to talk about every aspect of our future life.
Thus, there is an important issue which requires our democratic institutions, and primarily the European Union and the Member States to develop and promote democratic debate on the definition for individuals, academic institutions and all social actors can give a European knowledge society. This is our first conclusion: you can not have design or construction of a solid company European knowledge, such as common vision shared by citizens, without a truly democratic decision-making process, without the voice of the European youth is integrated on all territorial levels. This is an essential prerequisite of our work. We hope to be heard by the authorities on this particular point beyond agreements in principle or a simple conversation.
As an extension of this postulate, we were particularly careful to evaluate the problem of people excluded from the knowledge society. For us, define and evoke the margins, off-field, facilitates understanding of the subject. Obviously, we have focused on the core issues of the concept of society knowledge. We looked at the economic, fiscal, political, academic and scientific. We believe we are ready to contribute in the best way to debate this in the near future.
To conclude this introduction, we want to thank all institutions and organizations in Europe, particularly France, which have enabled this process, the nature of which is, together with formal and informal. And we hope and wish all young Europeans to live such experiences in the near future. The extension of this type of experience will help significantly to the free expression of words and thoughts. We know that this requires means very important. We know that this requires major funding, but we believe that the cohesion and the strengthening of our European area in need of such investments. We believe, and we proved that any citizen can develop their own opinion on complex matters, provided that it can receive adequate information.
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