Friday, March 17, 2006

Soapy Taste Indigestion

LESSON 21 March 22, 2006



  • Asking for items in a shop
  • Understanding prices in €
  • Saying you will take it

1) I help you? Tell me .. Can I help you? Italianissimo p.66, 68
me from ' a stamp for the UK? Can I have a stamp for
You English newspapers? Have you got Inglese newspapers?

2) How much does the card? How much is the postcard? Italianissimo p.68
How much? How much does it cost?
How much is'? How much is it?

3) I buy it! I'll take it, I'll buy it!

4) Prices in €:
a € 1.00 € 2.00 € two € € 4.20 € four and twenty
€ 0 , 01 a penny € 0.15 fifteen cents € 100.00 one hundred euro

5) Homework: exercises

FIND BELOW SOME USEFUL LINKS TO PRACTISE AND CONSOLIDATE WHAT YOU Learned This Week uk / languages \u200b\u200b/ italian / quickfix / shopping.shtml
http: / / / language / corso.htm (click on COURSE ELEMENTARY> ITALIANO> CHOOSE THE STYLE> By Location> IN a record store, then listen to the dialogue. After That Go to MARKET-click on exercises and try to do all the exercises)


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