Sunday, March 5, 2006

2010 Superbowl Tv Specials?

March 8, 2006, March 1, 2006



Using reflexive verbs to talk about your daily routine
Saying at what time these actions take place

A verb is reflexive when it expresses an action that refers back to the subject e.g.
Mi lavo (lit. I wash myself ) Mi riposo (lit. I rest myself ). You can recognize a reflexive verb (sul dizionario) by looking at the infinitive form. If the syllable of the infinitive is -si (oneself), then the verb is reflexive. When you conjugate a reflexive verb you must change the last syllable -si with -mi (myself) -ti (yourself) etc. : Lav ar si (to wash oneself) Mi lavo, ti lavi, si lava etc.
See Italianissimo p.85, 87, 56 (What's it like?)

Attenzione: do not assume every verb that describes your daily routine is reflexive
Faccio la colazione ( I have breakfast )
I go to work (I go to work ) etc.

Homework (Homework ): class describe your daily routine and say what you do for living.


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