How many zombie movies have made over the last twenty years? I do not know, but certainly many, of all types, but often the right one. Proletarian revolutionary and monsters, zombies have become atypical and frequently even zombies in a technical sense. That is, the living dead. It is not uncommon in fact now be defined by some people with the zombie virus that causes them to act violently and without a brain (and I do not speak ultratifosi of football teams). One of the first - if not the first - to present this type was in Umberto Lenzi's Nightmare on unspoilt town which had the unforgettable Hugo Stiglitz - the man from a single expression, the most woody of a forest - and none other than Maria Rosaria Omaggio and Sonia Viviani (but there was also Francisco Rabal). In its way, a classic and certainly entertainment.
Recent years have seen many zombie movies to usher in a reality that popular - with Paranormal Activity and Last exorcism - has proliferated with success. To make us believe what we see and frighten More would have us think that it is all true and to do so, screwed up the camera in every way as if those who had held the disease. It came out thick film also beautiful, but they would have been even quieter times. At least that's what I think.
The new installment of Horror Frames, address book, I write to MyMovies , deals with one such film, The Zombie Diaries , out on DVD from us a few years after its release in Britain. According to information, was released without being influenced or film Romero (Diary of the Dead , of \u200b\u200bcourse) nor Rec. A look at the date of completion you can give comfort to this thesis. Strange, though, that so many different authors also have suddenly given birth in locating the structural approach: we see that it was in the air, like a beautiful zombesco virus.
As usual, whoever wants to read what I wrote sull'aergomento has to do is go here .
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