The philosophical conversation with the food and wine, changing art and literature, in a comparison tempting, curious and capable of surprises in store for the drug.
protagonist of the 6th meeting of our live review of the book will therefore Marzia Lodi, Kitchen and Philosophy, 73 unusual recipes cooked philosophically, published MUP - Monte Parma University Publisher (new ed., Parma, 2009).
"Philosophy - says the author - is love of wisdom and truth. The food however is an emotion that encompasses a vast universe of colors, shapes and fragrances. The food also feeds, allowing me to live and then to seek wisdom. "
to converse with her two eminent figures Reggio enogastronomy national Albino ivardi Ganapini maker ALMA - The International School of Italian Cuisine directed by Gualtiero Marchesi Colorno (PR), and Professor Cesare Corradini historical matters and tireless adviser, CEO of authoritative ' Academy of Italian Cooking .
We look .
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 21:15
c / o
Trattoria old regiment ... COAL
Gallery Santa Maria 1 / C - Reggio Emilia
tel. 389 8339874
Free admission
who wants to eat locally, you can book a table . ... GNAM!

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