They tried in every way to make us believe that Italy has addressed the crisis better than anyone else, the crisis that we were coming out great, that the growth rate is the highest in Europe, that the wealth Italian citizen is equal to that of the German citizen, etc. ... and we are a blow to € 26 billion in cost savings and increased revenue with a financial advance to avoid the worst.
After the nonsense and deception, the mockery. We now know that the crisis is still in progress, that unemployment continues to rise and that it is necessary to deal with it. Who pays? The state employees, with wages frozen for three years, future retirees with the reduction of the windows to stop working and raising the retirement age to 65 years for women in the civil service, local authorities will receive less transfers state, that is always the city that will need fewer services from the municipality, the province and region. Meanwhile evasion tax is at an historic high, large financial returns are not very large estates are taxed and still growing despite the crisis. Ever since the war, they arrived at such a low level of autonomy of municipalities, has never come to so drastically cut municipal funds, has never been so restricted in his choice of a council and a municipal council, despite all the proclamations of the League. And 'this is the much-vaunted federalism? What do they think when they see the citizens of Lombard transfer money from the virtuous common to those who have squandered such as Catania and Palermo, just because they administered by the center-right? Where were the MPs and ministers leaguers when the government decided to settle Budgets of Catania and Palermo for hundreds of millions?
The league is very good at deceiving the simple-minded to raise fuss, but then do not remain under that delusion and disappointment.
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"From here begins the slaughter of freedom . You want a people blind, deaf, manipulate and ox. Want to hide your business, the use of public resources and protect your privacy. About confidence vote, Rate limiting of freedom of information, the limitation of the resources available to investigators to record crimes and identify the culprits. The group of Democrats will not participate in the vote. " "Shame!"
Anna Finocchiaro
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The letter from Maria Luisa Busi "I do not longer recognize nelTg1 " a journalist can 'remove the signature, a presenter can' remove the face ROME -" A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his piece signature. A conductor, a conductor, it can only raise his face at this point. " And 'This is one of the main points of the letter from Maria Luisa Busi announced its intention to abandon the run of TG 1. The letter, posted in three folders and a half of writing news bulletin is addressed to the Director Augusto Minzolini and CDR, and copied to the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi, President Paul Garimberti company and the human resources manager Luciano flows. Here is the full text.
"Dear Editor: I ask to be relieved from the task of conducting the 20th edition of Tg1, having determined that a situation does not allow me to perform this task without injury to my professional beliefs. This is a difficult choice for me, but required. I consider the editorial that you wanted to give the paper a sort of a diversion, because of which the Tg1 risk crashing into a permanent loss of credibility with viewers. "
"As the president of the Vigilance Commission Sergio Zavoli Rai: 'The greatest Italian texts, giving has seen its traditional structure transform together with its identity, traditional part of listening. "
" I love this newspaper, where I work for 21 years. Because it is a great newspaper. E 'is the newspaper of the Vespa, Frajese, Longhi, Morrione, Fava, Giuntella. The Journal of different cultures, different ideas. The contained all, this was his wealth. It was their newspaper, our newspaper. Even colleagues who have removed from their posts and many others in here who have been marginalized. This is the newspaper that has always spoken in the country. The newspaper of the Italians. The newspaper that gave voice to all the entries. It has never been a single voice of the newspaper. Today the information is Tg1 information is partial and partisan. Where is the real country? Where are the women in real life? Those who have to wait months for a mammogram, if they can not pay for it? Those with the worst wages in Europe, those who are struggling every day to keep going because there is no nursery place for all our children? Must be to raise the blood and die for the honor of one of our title.
And where are the women and men who have lost their jobs? A million people, behind which are their families. Where are the young, for the first time with a worse future of the fathers? And the forty still precarious, 800 euro per month, which can not even buy a couch, let alone giving birth to a child? And where are the cassintegrati Alitalia? What happened? And hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs that are closing the northeast who commit suicide because they failed? Where is the Italy we have a duty to tell? That Italy exists. But the TG1 has dropped. Also I buy toilet paper for my daughter who attends first grade in a public school. But that evening, in Tg1 20, we give space only to ministers and Gelmini Brunetta presenting the new great project for the digitization of the school, including a digital whiteboard.
"Italy is experiencing a dramatic social crisis is over in siding of our indifference. Squeezed between information of a party - an editorial on justice, one against the repentant Mafia, another on the investigation of Trani in which you said not to be investigated, denied by the facts the next day - and infotainment everyday how many times should wash their hands every day, hunt for the crocodile in the lake, the antiscippo underpants. An editorial choice with which we are enriching the scripts of the programs of satire and impoverishing our reputation as the first newspaper of the public service of the most important company in the country's cultural. In addition to citizens, they are paying for so many good colleagues who could devote more satisfaction to many other high-profile investigations and general interest. "
" A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: to raise his signature piece. A conductor, a conductor, it can only raise his face, at this point. As I was in fact the conductor of the viewers that the news is reconnected. And 'he who plays primarily the role of ensuring that there is a relationship of trust with viewers. "
" The facts are the Eagle was the proof. When hundreds of people have railed against the crew that drove to the cry of shame and scodinzolini, I realized that that relationship of trust that has always connected with our audience was really compromised. That 's what happens when communication is privileged information, to verify the propaganda. "The letter
to Minzolini, Busi takes to make one final note "more personal", "I make honesty and loyalty to the style of my life and my profession. Dissent is not betray. I do not remember who said recently.
Therefore :
1) I reject the accusation that he had committed misconduct. The criticism that I have expressed publicly - remember that it is my right as well as a duty as a counselor in the FNSI - I had already moved well in the meetings of contents and to you, personally. a spirit of sincere cooperation, thinking that in a job like ours, the movement of ideas and diversity of opinion constitute an enrichment.'s why I continued to conduct in recent months. But it is clear that there's no space for democratic discourse in Tg1. These are the times of the single thought. Who is out there is, sooner or later.
2) reject the accusation that I was moving to biting the hand that feeds. I remember that the dish is that of a simple left, which simply asks that the dish contains the right ingredients. All honest. And I want to clarify that you have always refused compensation out of the Rai, lavishly offered by large companies for the faces called to present their conventions, believing that a reporter from the public service should not profit from their role.
3) reject as insulting statements in your letter after interview La Repubblica, letter in which you called the company a disciplinary action against me: I've been accused of "damaging the newspaper I work for, with my statements on the data of listening. The figures released have confirmed those statements. I also find it ironic your consideration the following: 'Tg1 give consideration to the positions of minorities but not shocked the facts in deference to ideological campaigns. "I can tell you that the only country in which I work is where I spend the weekend with the family . I hope you can say the same. On the other hand I have noticed that has not raised a word against your violent smear campaign that the newspaper Il Giornale, Libero and the weekly Panorama - also using improperly business mail me direct - have lined up against me after my criticism of your editorial. An attack on clock: immediately discredit those who disagree to weaken the value of its claims. I have been called "shear ciacolante - talkative girl - reporter without news, without editorial columnist" and so on. It is not what I said handing the President Ciampi Saint Vincent Prize for journalism, the Quirinale. To answer these cowards my office. But know that is not why I leave the conduct of 20. Thomas Bernhard in Old Masters writes dozens of times a word that I love very much: respect. Do not live with admiration, he says, but of respect that we need. "
He concludes:" Dear Editor, I believe we need more respect. For news, the public, for the truth. What I feel for the history of Tg1, for my company, leads me to this decision. Respect for viewers, our single point of contact. We should always remember. You, too, you would have the duty ".
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE "LIGHT" TO MINORS: HERE ARE THE NAMES OF SENATORS! They had invented an amendment really nice. Quietly, in the draft law on wiretapping had pushed the 1707 amendment, the one that introduced the term "minor sexual violence" against children.
Signatories, some senators PDL League and they proposed the abolition of arrest in flagrante delicto in cases of sexual violence against children, where - exactly - a "minor". It did not specify as to take place, in practice, a sexual assault "minor" against a child. After the denunciation of the Democratic Party, in the center- There was a stampede, the "I did not know", the "I did not understand," the "I did not think it was just so" united Berlusconi inevitable "you have misunderstood." Then, finally, a deputy of the Democratic Party has discovered the signatories of the amendment 1707. Write it right:
sen. Maurizio Gasparri (PDL), sen. Gaetano Quagliariello (PDL), sen. Roberto Centaro (PDL), sen. Filippo Berselli (PDL), sen. Sandro Mazzatorta (Lega Nord Padania), sen. Federico Bricolo (Lega Nord Padania) and sen. Sergio Divina (Lega Nord Padania).
For the record, Senator. Bricolo was the one who proposed the "prison for those who remove a crucifix from a public building (but not for those who groped Children ...); sen. Berson is the one who said "to have been initiated into sex by a prostitute" (and here of course very ...); sen. Mazzatorta sought to introduce into our system several "amendments to prevent mixed marriages," while Senator. Divine has become famous for having said publicly that "thirty are like dogs growling and who only understand the logic of the stick" (to quote a phrase of Mussolini). Congratulations indeed.
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Two words Speaking of "Piazziamoci here" The initiative to close the square to traffic for one Sunday a month is primarily a 'political experience came from below, of people who believe in and are working around it to the beyond any ideological thrust. It 'an experience of politics because it has a scope that affects the common good: by focusing on individuals and their need for meeting places. It 's the policy of those who want to get involved with things he can do. E 'policy of Simon, who at eight o'clock in the morning is already loading the necessary material, all of which Lidia elegant helps assemble the stands, Dario that goes back and forth - tireless - with its bee, Roberto cooking pasta for everyone, Graziella which recounts his adventures, of Sebastian, which has books, flowers and Piero are the first to arrive and the last to leave of Antonio, who gives his knowledge ... of all those people who have no place in this article but if they are found in Piazza creating a stand or creating a show.
is not easy to steal a space that belongs to a long automobile traffic: "how to fill? What to do? It 'so much! E 'in the sun! E 'sloping !..... people participate? "
Some questions have been answered and children with their scooters did the lion's share. The rest ends up losing in importance.
It is only the awareness of a laboratory of citizenship that has achieved its objectives.
PS: Thanks to all those who for various reasons they are spending on this initiative and which were not mentioned in this article.
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MEMBERSHIP At such a critical and difficult thing can push a young person to make the card a party? What reasons can stimulate such a choice?
In these times there is an air heavy and pay are usually the most vulnerable, especially young people.
Insecurity in the work, uncertainty about the future, inability to screen a normal family, unfairness of some policy choices, the breakdown of rights, social fragmentation ... there are many reasons to be really "pissed". It 's almost normal for a young man falling into indifference.
I made the warden for 40 years, I have fought since his youth in the party and the union, I grew up politically in the section of Ome, I had good times and less beautiful, but I am more convinced than ever that we must there if you want to change things, recognizing the rights and wrongs of the past, to chart a new direction that embraces our differences in a path that leads to unity of all those who care about social justice and cultural growth and of all economic classes, especially those who have less opportunities.
It 's the reality of things that asks of us.
flyer and I made cards from an early age and now that I am retired I still do and I'm proud for this exciting new adventure that I believe: the growth of PD. Now I can realize my youthful aspirations with people who found me the opportunity to be united on the vision of a future society more free and just.
The passion and commitment I have tarnished my mind, I have acknowledged mistakes and I try to understand why there is so much disgust and disappointment in politics. I find many reasons to be angry but will not stop rolling up my sleeves to help my country to rebuild hope.
I see it! Ome
A youth must not allow the country's future is only in the hands of old, we need young people who want to take their place, to impose new ideas, new ways of programming. Politics is not a form of voluntary Series B, is the higher mission in which a citizen should aspire to serve his country