Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How To Play Age Of Empires 1without Cd

The dialog Ona

Ona, our collaborator, he wanted to adhere to the style game launched by David. Here's his contribution, very original, although a bit '... robotic?


Riiiiiiing alarm clock beep beep! Rays caaaldi fiiiiltrrrrannn sgusciiiano between peo-ple-ta ppa-re-im-po-lle Ste-Ven-Ezia it shines Soooole WARMTH WARMTH WARMTH. Please voooglia vogllllia. PA PASS PASS RIDE. Tap. Stage. BAR. stop. PERFUME AROMA FRAGRANCE effluvium sniff sniff to the park Belgaum. Joy. beautiful. Bellagioia. Cappuccino. Brother puss out! Vieeeni sssschiuuuma. Nose, lips, tongue slarp proofonda Gorge. IMPACT urtoooo ship hit careless waiter. Splash. PAGES CAPPUCCINO. Redemption library. BEeeeeLLA comprehensive library.